Saturday, August 11, 2012


During the course of my appraisal work, I recently had occasion to enjoy examining this very fetching whimsical character jug in blue and white pottery that was clearly inspired by 18th Century prototypes made in Delft in the Low Countries. I found it in a Coral Gables estate here in S Florida. I was able to consult the erudite ceramics specialist Letitia Roberts of New York City about this admittedly curious and endearing jug. Ms. Roberts cited its rather tourist market stylized demeanor that indicated it was not quite as "earthy" as an 18th Century character jug would have been. Additionally, she pointed out that the jug could also be French as well as Dutch. It has a cryptic maker's mark on the underside of "A G Foreign". Ms. Roberts was certain it was of late 19th to early 20th Century date.

The jug depicting a harlequin seated and wearing a pointed cap that doubles as a lid over the spout. 

The jug is in good antique condition and it measures 12.75 inches high.

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